TFK Agency Application

This application should take around 30 minutes to complete and is best done on a computer rather than a tablet or mobile device. You may save and return to it if you're not sure of all the answers. Once you click "Submit," no more changes can be made.

General Agency Information

Please enter general agency information below.

If your organization is part of a larger branch, you may append the branch name after a space or a hyphen. For example: Boys and Girls Club - Greater Pittsburgh; AIU McKeesport - First Steps Parenting Program.
Your Contact Information

Please enter the following information about yourself.

Please choose a username and password to be able to return to your application.
Additional Agency Information

Please fill out the additional information about your organization's social media and executive director.

Agency Profile Information

Please fill out information about your agency.

Agency Demographic Information

Please fill out the following questions about your agency.

Please provide rough percentages for the following demographics to the best of your knowledge:

TFK Event Information

Please fill out the following section for TFK event-planning purposes.

If you select "Yes," TFK may use photographs you send us from your trips in our promotional material or on social media.